Friday, November 4, 2011

October 2011- Last Month at a Glance.

October- the project for last month at Baansila was to scrape off the spots of moldy paint on the walls. Some of it was already bubbling and falling off like gritty snowflakes, but the rest of the job took almost 5 days worth of chipping away with paint scrapers.Last year Baansila was painted with a fresh coat of paint just a few days before Hatyai was hit by a surprise flood that swept away a lot of shack-homes, furniture, food, TV sets, motorcycles and even a few stray cows. Though the city has returned to normal, as the rainy season rolls around again, everybody has been watching the sky suspiciously.Thanks to our friends and the kids, the walls are clean and clear! we can begin painting...but maybe not until rainy season is over. Just in case.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Welcome To Baansila (The Rock)

Welcome to Baansila. In this building, we offer the kids a place where they can learn, draw pictures, color with crayons, do puzzles, play Yang (Jump rope), ride bikes. But in Baansila, the kids day-to-day life is building responsibility – they are learning to wash their own dishes, hang their own clean laundry, or sweep and mop- though it may not sound like it, these things are as important to the kids as playing. And the staff? We are there for them in everything they do; we cook, bathe, clothe and supply the band-aids, whether the wound is on the outside or the inside. Please pray for us as the kids continue to grow and change daily. Through this blog, we invite you to see how the love of God is changing the hearts of the kids and the community.

Monday, October 10, 2011